
Our clients are our priority and our distinguishing value is our people.

We provide our clients with the great team at Cots i Claret, made up of more than 100 professionals, including highly qualified engineers, experts, and administrative and construction personnel. Our professionals are committed to offering our clients the highest quality and success in their projects. They have made Cots i Claret a benchmark in the construction sector.


Albert Cots Sarrate

Pep Claret Arimany

Jaume Cots Sarrate
Director of Operations and Resources

Jordi Montes Llort
Contracting Director

Josep Palau Viladrich
Head of Studies and Purchasing

Lluís Encinas Quer
Building group leader

Marc Blanco Porrino
Building group leader

Joan Galera Serra
Installations and Maintenances group leader

operations and resources

Marta Castilla Gutierrez

Albert Ferrer Graells
Integrated management system

Marta López Muxi

Ramon Sellarés Sarrà

Octavi Singla Costa

Queralt Torres Cuenca

Yolanda Vacas Cano

Marta Vilà Rodríguez
Head of GIS

heads of building projects

Carme Boada Mateos

Marià Carrasco Ruiz

Eva Gangolells Colilles

Núria Gubianas Grifé

Carlos Jiménez Sánchez

Toni Martínez Cuesta

Conxi Pladellorens Fillol

Xavier Sanz Ventura

Adonis Sebastián Blanco

Roger Ubals Picanyol

heads of installation and maintenance projects

Jordi Bartrolí Teixidó

Xavier Cervantes Porta

Jordi Cisteró Torra

Jan Coca Armengol

Nicolás Alfonso Dos Santos

Maye Hung González

Marc Muncunill Cardellach

Albert Quiros Lucas
Head of Maintenance

Pere Romero Sánchez

César Sánchez Niemann


Christian Comallonga Martínez

Monica Coman

Jesus Matos Vila

Eva Mensa Puiggròs

M. Àngels Morilla Montanya

Ester Pavon Martin

Laura Pozo Dalmau

building managers

Oscar Baena Domene

Jaume Belles Gracia

David Cabanas Capdevila

Joan Calveras Subirana

Angel Carrasco Matillas

Félix Martínez Guerra

Jordi Martínez Delgado

Manuel Milla Tirado

Jordi Nacenta Bacardit

Juan Manuel Noguera Bragado

Agustin Prados Vallribera

Luís Ramos López

Alonso María Ribera Pérez

Pedro Antonio Ruiz Alcaraz

Lluís Salvador Domínguez

Francisco Segura Ledesma

Ismael Torres Cano

installation and maintenance managers

Miquel Bacardit Lasierra

David Calvo Zamora

Juan Carlos Cobo Moreno

David Cors Caballero

David Garcia Vilà

Francisco Javier Jimenez

Alfred Orrit Pires

Manuel Rosillo Serrano