
Cots i Claret is a firm with a great commitment to a job well done and the value of the word since 1939

Every day in the morning, we start the working day surrounded by our city. When we act, decide or assess everyday situations, our city observes and examines us. When we face new challenges or when we dream of the future, our city expects the best from us. Likewise, when we pass accounts of the past and of our specific performance, the city shows us without shame the marks of our achievements and failures, of all the work carried out. For these reasons, at Cots i Claret we have a firm and constant commitment to all the cities where destiny or fortune invites us to work, with the blanket that shelters the dreams of our clients, with its family setting. After each working day, returning to Manresa with our heads held high is the basis of our essence.

SINCE 1939

The heritage and trajectory of our founders inspires us to face the challenges of the future. Yours and ours. We let our clients know how we have adapted to become a company that focuses on the future while maintaining the spirit of our first day.